Improve Efficiency With A Custom Component Kit

Order one part number and get all of your hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical components needed for your assembly line with our customized kitting options. We'll compile all the material to meet your specifications and ship it to you in a carefully organized kit for easy access and safe handling.

Why Kitting Is A Good Option For You

We got into custom kitting as a way to improve efficiency for our customers' commercial applications and manufacturing processes. What we've learned from communicating with our clients is that there are a multitude of short-term and long-term benefits that come as a result of our custom kits.

Here are a few of the most compelling benefits for your business:

Increased Productivity

Removing unnecessary products and components from the assembly line ensures your employees spend less time figuring out which components to use and more time completing their assemblies and manufacturing directives.

Reduced Inventory

Save money in the long term by reducing the amount of material you keep in stock. Keeping a smaller inventory means you use less square footage in storage, which can help reduce your warehousing expenses.

Error Elimination

With only the necessary components available, errors becomes immediately apparent in the event of materials being left over after assembly. Catching these errors before assemblies are shipped is essential to saving time, money and your reputation.

Simplified Invoicing

Your accounting department will thank you! With the sheer number of products many manufacturing companies ship to their customers, compiling a custom kit into a single line item on an invoice will help reduce confusion and the potential for errors.

Ordering Your Customized Kit

No additional inventory. No defects. Just precise results, every time. Contact us today to get started with a custom kit for your manufacturing process.







Omron Denison Hydraulics No Shock MTS Sensors Schrader Bellows Sprecher Schuh
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